Upcoming Governance Board Appointments

New Zealand Qualifications Authority | Mana Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa

NZQA is a Crown entity. Revenue was more than $100m in the most recent year, partially Crown funding and partially revenue for services.

NZQA co-ordinates most of the qualifications in schools and post-school education and training, oversees setting and regular review of standards as they relate to qualifications, administers national secondary examinations, and ensures New Zealand qualifications are recognised overseas, and overseas qualifications are appropriately recognised in New Zealand. NZQA’s functions are set out in section 433 of the Education and Training Act 2020.

About the Board

The NZQA Board must have at least eight, but no more than 10, members.One member position will be considered for appointment in the first half of 2025 for a person with significant background in the University sector but who is not currently employed as an academic. The list of the current members is here. The member fee is $22,680 per annum and the commitment across the year is approximately 30 days.


Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu

Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu (Te Kura) is a Crown entity as well as a school. Ithas an important role in the education system and had total revenue of $96 million in the last financial year. It is the only approved distance education provider offering personalised learning programmes to students from early childhood through to secondary school. It is New Zealand’s largest school, with over 30,000 enrolments a year. Te Kura has a vital role in the schooling network, delivering distance and face-to-face modes of education based around regions.

More information on Te Kura’s role and responsibilities can be found here.

About the Board

The Board is made up of an elected staff representative, and a Chair and up to six members appointed by the Minister of Education. Information on the current members can be found here. Board members receive a fee of $15,582 per annum for an assumed commitment of 30 days per year which covers Board meetings and any subcommittee attendance. Three Board positions will be considered in the second half of 2025, including the Chair role.


Education New Zealand | Manapou ki te Ao

ENZ is a Crown entity. It receives approximately $25m in annual operating revenue from the Crown.

As a Crown agent, ENZ has a critical role implementing the Government’s policies for international / export education. The focus of these policies is on the revitalisation and growth of international education after a challenging period during and after the pandemic. The Government is committed to growing the onshore student market, to aligning policy settings with the needs of the labour market, and to diversifying the source countries where international students come from. ENZ contributes to this work, primarily through its offshore promotional, marketing and partnership function, which serves a key role in driving market diversification. ENZ’s full range of statutory duties are set out under section 511 of the Education and Training Act 2020.

About the Board

The ENZ Board consists of at least five, but no more than seven, members appointed by the Responsible Minister (TBC). Two member positions will be coming up for appointment in the first half of 2025. Information about the current membership of the ENZ Board is available here. The member fee is $16,800 per annum and the commitment across the year is approximately 30 days.


Tertiary Education Commission | Te Amorangi Mātauranga Matua

TEC is a Crown entity.  It receives approximately $79m in operating revenue. TEC leads the Government’s relationship with the tertiary education sector and provides career services. Its statutory functions include;

  • giving effect to the Tertiary Education Strategy through negotiated investment plans with Tertiary Education Organisations (TEOs),

  • allocating funds to and building the capability of TEOs,

  • monitoring and managing the performance of TEOs and,

  • delivering careers information services.

TEC invests over $3 billion in public funding in tertiary education and supporting the tertiary and careers system annually. Its functions are set out in section 409 of the Education and Training Act 2020.

About the Board

The TEC board has at least six, but no more than nine, members appointed by the Responsible Minister (TBC). A list of the current members is available here: Board of Commissioners | Tertiary Education Commission (tec.govt.nz).The member fee is $23,520 per annum and the commitment across the year is approximately 30 days.


The Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand

The Teaching Council is a body corporate set up by statute. Its purpose is to ensure safe and high-quality leadership, teaching, and learning for children and young people in early childhood, primary, secondary, and senior secondary schooling in English medium and Māori medium settings. Its functions are set out in section 479 of the Education and Training Act 2020.

About the Council

Six of the thirteen Council members are appointed by the Minister of Education and seven are elected under the Rules of the Teaching Council. All six appointed positions to the Teaching Council are being considered in the first half of 2025, including the Chair and Deputy Chair, for a start date of 1 July 2025 and a term of three years. A background in governance and either in New Zealand’s compulsory education system or finance, audit and risk is required. The Chair fee is $900 per day and member fee is $700 per day. Members may also sit on the Council’s disciplinary subcommittees. The time commitment required for Council members depends on members’ involvement in subcommittees. The current Council is listed here: Meet the Governing Council :: Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand.


New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO - Te Kōmihana Matua o Aotearoa mō UNESCO

The National Commission’s role is to fulfil New Zealand’s obligations as a United Nations member state, by supporting UNESCO's vision, goals and programmes within the context of New Zealand and the Pacific, and by helping to set the direction of the global UNESCO programme and policies.

About the National Commission

The Commission has six members. Nominations for the currently vacant position of Communication and Information Commissioner will be sought in the first half of 2025. The position requires extensive networks andconnections, and a strong background in communications and online information (in the context of the current focus of the National Commission on human rights and citizenship education), along with governance and leadership skills.  Members have hands-on roles in designing, leading and delivering events and programmes to advance UNESCO’s interests. The member fee is up to $8,961 per annum for a commitment of up to 15 days per annum. The list of current Commissioners is available at: Who We Are | New Zealand National Commission of UNESCO


MILG Five Year Strategy


Seeking Appointment - Ngarimu VC and 28th (Māori) Memorial Scholarship Fund Board