Submission in support of te reo Māori bilingual road signs
Mātauranga Iwi Leaders Group (MILG) is part of the National Iwi Chairs Forum and is mandated to represent priority areas of interest with regard to mātauranga and education. We wish to express our wholehearted support for the new initiative to make road signs in Aotearoa bilingual in te reo Māori and English.
We recognise the importance of achieving equity and inclusivity in all aspects of society, and language plays a crucial role in shaping culture and identity. The use of te reo Māori in public spaces, such as road signs, is a powerful way to acknowledge and uplift not only te reo Māori but also bring greater awareness to our history in Aotearoa.
Promoting te reo Māori is not only an act of cultural preservation but also an investment in the growth of our nation’s consciousness and move towards embracing all dimensions of our history, which is often preserved in kupu Māori and (original) Māori place names. “Ko te reo te mauri o te mana Māori,” language is the essence and backbone of culture, and when we normalise and promote te reo Māori, we are also nurturing our collective identity as a society that truly embraces the richness and diversity of its cultural heritage.
MILG strongly believes that the initiative to introduce bilingual road signs is a significant step towards achieving cultural revitalisation and equity in Aotearoa NZ. This initiative will help create a more inclusive environment for all individuals, regardless of their cultural background, and foster a sense of pride and belonging for Māori communities across the country. It will also serve as a powerful educational tool, allowing non-te reo Māori speakers to learn and engage with the language and culture.
In conclusion, the Mātauranga Iwi Leaders Group fully supports the initiative to introduce bilingual road signs in Aotearoa. We appreciate your commitment to cultural revitalisation and your efforts to create a more equitable and inclusive environment. Should you require any further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.